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Transport facility is available for all the students from Nursery to Class XII. Our bus routes cater to students’ needs from every part of the town and surrounding area. For a safe journey to school, the following rules are to be followed by the students. Any student, if found guilty, is liable to be debarred from travelling by the school bus. The following code of conduct should be observed by one and all :-

  1. Observe discipline in the bus.
  2. Do not run to board the bus but walk in a queue.
  3. Do not board on or alight from a moving bus, for it is dangerous.
  4. Do not push each other when you board on or alight from the bus.
  5. Do not stretch your head or hands out of the bus.
  6. Co-operate with the staff on duty and abide by the instructions given by them from time to time.
  7. Never stand in front or behind a stationary bus.
  8. No student will be allowed to travel by school bus without an identity card.
  9. The buses will not wait for late comers.
  10. The children should stay away from the main road about ten feet away from the road until the bus arrives at his/her stop.
  11. Students should refrain from leaving their seats unless the bus has come to a halt.
  12. No student will be permitted to travel by school bus if he/she is not in proper school uniform.
  13. Students are expected to sit on the respective allotted number of seat.
  14. No student is allowed to reserve any seat for friends by putting his/her bag on that seat.
  15. Students must not use profane or indecent language in the bus.
  16. Do not do anything which distracts the driver’s attention.
  17. Problem if any, must be conveyed to the I/C transport. Parents/Guardians are expected not to enter into any argument with the bus driver or the conductor. Any problem or suggestion, regarding transport should be brought to the notice of the Principal or Transport In-charge in the school.